Thursday 13 September 2018

Awakening and Breakthrough Prophetic word 12-09-18

Awakening and Breakthrough. 12/09/2018

A time of great awakening and deliverance is upon us. It Is a time of double blessing.  Everything that the enemy stole, will be given back to you. Good measure Pressed down shaken running over! You will no longer hide like in the past season. You will run with my wind. My Glory Carrier.

I am Releasing a fresh anointing on your ministry one that brings deliverance to the captives those that are bound. Give up trying to do things your way.  For I am the Way
Now is the season of great clarity and breakthrough, when you thought I was not in that situation, I will show my hand. Where you cried unto me for deliverance, released your heart I heard from heaven.

Now be free Run the Race. I am marking you, Kingdom Carrier, for new assignments, new territory, yes there will be new opposition, if it were not so you would not be mine!
Beloved child as You rest in my presence, you awaken the sound of revival fire,
Revival, revival, revival, revival I hear, but hearts must first bow before me. For I am King, I am LORD.
Only in time will the sound of Heaven thunder clap the vicious assaults against the onslaughts of my faithful ones. Their countenance has always stayed on maneuverer wavering, never out maneuverer   for their own wants and gain for their own agenda.
Many will come beloved, but I will say where did you go wrong?

Come to me as a child and release all that has held you back for the price has been paid the victory done. Why let the wicked one steal what was given by my SON?
I am bringing about a release for heartache stresses and strains. The warfare that has been up at my beloved body so unjust, so unfair. Know this, that you are overcomers. You have overcome!

For I am says the Lord most high “The MIGHTY ONE.”
Excel in this knowledge and wisdom, clarity and truth reign. For my body needs clarity and truth for where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty.

Relax and stay focused for this Season marks new beginnings for some. New Doors are opening and old ones closing. The wave of Glory goes with you. My Righteous right hand delivers exactly that as it should at the right opportune time. Focus on my Kingdom come, my will be done says the Lord Most High.

Job 12: 13   With Him are wisdom and might; To Him belong counsel and understanding.

Mat 6:10   Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Joel 2:25 And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.

Lisa Tierney – Prophetic Psalmist Liverpool
