Loves Living Word Ministries is firing up once again. As I shared in the previous blog Loves Living Word Ministries has grown. For the Moment whilst the Lord has perfectly allowed us to post here ALL FREE in this blog. How wonderful is that. Loves Living Word Ministries is able to spread Gods word and prophetic Messages like this. It is just a blog Dictionary Meaning:
a Web site containing the writer's or group of writers' own experiences, observations, opinions, etc., and often having images and links to other Web sites.
Not a professional site yet! It is run by a Single Mummy Lisa Tierney so if there are any spelling errors when we have expanded to a TEAM all those will be rectified.
I am so pleased to announce that we have audiences all over the world now including the UK, U.S.A, Russia, Germany, Kenya, Australia, Latvia, Netherlands and South Africa! How fantastic is that!
The Lord really is sharing the Gospel through out all the earth. Just as the bible states. Keep reading and checking back. The Lord has much to share here. If you have been blessed by any of the teachings we would love to here from you. Send Loves Living Word Ministries an email.
Word of encouragement from the LORD 07/02/12
“Bring to me all that is hindering you, and I shall give you a new thing. Bring to me your sorrows and pain and I shall replace them with Joy. Bring to me your deepest fears and I shall replace them with LOVE. You are more than conquerors and just as David conquered goliath so to can you conquer the mountain in your path. Did I not say to speak to the mountain and if you shall not doubt in your heart it shall be thou removed. says the Lord . You have been given all you need and with this you have the keys to Heaven and hell. You are mine child and no one can take that away from you… your name is written in the book of life. Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, For yours is the Kingdom of heaven Nothing is impossible my child, believe. See this and watch things change before your eyes.” Says the LORD
Now as I have spoken these words from the Lord… You must test the spirits as John Jesus’ closest disciple said in the bible in 1 John 4:1 “
How do you do that?
The bible states clearly in 1 John 4:1-6 “Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world. You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. They are from the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the world listens to them. We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the Spirit? Beloved, believe not every spirit, but test the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” of truth and the spirit of falsehood.”
Another scripture to speak for the discerning of spirits ( knowing Good from evil) is:
Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”
So speak those out. In fact it is good to pray for discernment daily. Through out the day. Deception is real.. And it is exactly that deceptive. Our Lord Jesus Christ said in
Mathew 24:24“For there shall arise false Christ’s, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”
This co insides with what John said in 1 John 4:1.
It is very possible that even the Christians who think they know it all and know Christ, they are not exempt from being deceived.. So as soon as you start to think “oh no I am fine, I know Christ I know what I know, nothing can deceive me!” WATCH OUT! Get on your knees and repent because NO ONE IS EXEMPT Jesus said so! That is very dangerous place to be and easy rectified.
To help prevent this PRAY DAILY for discernment and wisdom. Ephesians 1:17-23 is a great prayer.
Our heavenly Father answers His children’s prayers. I cannot stress this enough. We are in the biggest deceptive times and AGE, even in the church. Even people confessing Jesus as their Lord and savoir in this day are in deception. False Doctrine or even worse being used by the enemy as they have opened the door to it through pride and heart issues. They are not walking in LOVE in ALL forms and their hearts have been even more corrupted than it already was through their own choice. Walking and living with the LORD is NOT just with the mouth for all to see ( that is the worst deception just as the Pharisees) However: they are not walking in LOVE in heart and deed. It will be evident to anyone who does and if you stand by and do nothing then you are accountable also. Jesus stressed this more than anything else. It must be IMPORTANT. Anyone who is not walking in LOVE IN HEART and DEED is doing so in deception; they honor God with their lips but their heart is far from HIM. They have the enemies heart they have not renewed their heart. They are just pretending, speaking a good talk. I pray Jesus opens the eyes of anyone reading this right now in Jesus name to any deception going on around them. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ Amen.
Its everywhere. The truth always comes out and Jesus said the TRUTH will set you free.
If you have a niggle or something that doesn’t give you peace in your spirit all you need do is ask the LORD, He will show you. J All you have to do is ask.
He honors the fact that you are seeking ultimate truth, those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth the bible says, not just one but both. You will notice the fruit or lack of at a church that is only honoring with their lips for all to see but really nothing is happening other than causing many problems for GODS ELECT!
Praise God for His Healing power and faithfulness. The God who was and is and is to come.
This world and its inhabitants do not know much about truth or walk in it. Why else would Jesus say even the very elect would be deceived if possible? So one way to help you gain discernment is to be PRAY FOR IT DAILY.
There is a counterfeit of everything God has. His anointing and spirit included. So be AWAKE. It is so important in this end time; I cannot stress this enough. Here is another scripture prayer to pray.
Philippians 1:9-10“And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ"
As I have shared in previous blogs, we will do a good few teachings on deception. It is a big subject. The Lord has shared with me more ways than I had already learnt on how people and this world use deception. So now I have had more experience with this I can share that too. Praise His HOLY NAME….. JESUS CHRIST our MESSIAH.
We are at the end of series of teachings on LOVE and the scripture the Lord gave me to study with you1 Corinthians 13:4-8
1 Corinthians 13:4-8 it says Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.". ”
This is the New International Version we have studied. But Lets take a look at the New King James Version because it explains things a bit better:
"Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things,.endures all things. Love never fails." ”
Love Never Fails!
In Summary what we have learn't so far
We have learn't throughout the teaching series that LOVE is more than just a feeling. That the word love today is used too liberally without the real meaning of it ever having touched the surface. So many people associate love with that tingly feeling you get when you meet someone you have feelings for; and that would be correct if you are talking about EROS type of love. It is a man and women type of love and attraction with sexual desire. This is a lowest form of love
So many people associate love with the feeling you have for your family members EG: son/daughter. Again it would be correct if you are talking about PHILIO type of love, But we learnt that there is a deeper love than both of these. This love is a supernatural kind of love. A love this world knows little about anymore. This type of LOVE is Gods LOVE AGAPE, which is unconditional no matter what type of love, the type that is there always no matter what. Never ever giving up on you or giving in or writing you off. This type of love is unending, This type of love is UNFAILING LOVE. And at the end of our little piece in Gods word in
1 Corinthians 13:8..... it says LOVE NEVER FAILS!
We learnt that God is Love in scripture, He doesn’t just have the attributes to love in this unconditional way but He actually is LOVE itself. That is a force. The most powerful force in the whole universe and beyond the heavens. He created everything. ALL THINGS. Think about that, Love created all things LOVE. Do you see much love when you go out side your home and begin the day? Do even the closest to you share their love with you? Sadly most people would say no to this. Why? Well we have learnt how far the world has turned towards the power of darkness. And how much of the enemy ( satan) works through people here in these last days even people who have infiltrated CHURCH!. People are complacent. Oh I don’t care, so what etc. Well just because you don’t, God and Jesus do.. About your eternal well being but also about your life down here. Don’t believe the lies the world has shared about God letting all the terrible things that happen on the earth go on. bringing sickness, pain suffering,.. ITS NOT TRUE. He cares see John 3:16
Read the bible ask Jesus into your life and ask the Holy spirit who will come and live in you as a free gift to show you before you make your mind up and agree with lies that all the bad stuff happening in this world is of the LORD. That’s FALSE. Only someone who is not wise would believe anything without checking it out first. I challenge you not to walk blind and check what I am saying out. You will find out that God is in fact LOVE as we have seen and anything good comes from Him and anything bad comes from the enemy. We have seen that the enemy is the ruling power in this earth and has been since the beginning of creation through man giving Him dominion and power. We have seen that God Loves so much about us He sent Jesus back to heal all who came to Him; Acts 10:38 He came back also to share the truth and to die in the most horrific way all sinless for us. So that we could be reconciled ( brought back into fellowship and no longer separated from God)
We learnt that anyone who has no accepted Jesus as their Lord and savoir is separated from God and under the devils power and care. Not just because I say so! God says so! We learnt that anyone who doesn’t believe in the cross and what Jesus did for us is going to Hell not because The Lord made hell for humans His creation, we learnt that Hell was created for the devil and his fallen angels.. And that anyone that does not believe in Jesus and why He came shall perish and unfortunately go to Hell everything God is trying to prevent, but he doesn’t force you to believe. He gives you the truth and leaves you to decide. At the end of the day anyone who decides against Jesus and doing good doesn’t deserve to go to the next place where there is no evil, badness etc. God is LOVE and no evil can be near him or his presence. No badness will be in Heaven.. None and that is where all who loves Jesus are headed for and soon!
We learnt Satan was cast down to the earth, He was banished there until the end times when Armageddon against good and evil occur. Jesus returns with all of heaven and defeats satan again where he is cast into the pit of hell for ever. Anyone who lives like the dark one or behaves like him goes with him.Those types of people are who reject Jesus Christ. We learnt God is love and He gave us many free gifts including protection here in this earth. We learnt that the world became cursed at the beginning of creation through mans choice and guess what? DECEPTION from the enemy satan. Eve was deceived; Adam was not, he chose to give up all his rights
The battle of Good and evil has been going since the beginning of the creation of the world. Question is who’s side are you on? What gives you great satisfaction?
Doing good, being kind, Loving the Lord with all you heart and soul? Being humble and willing to accept mistakes and change?. Walking in the truth? Or do you get great satisfaction in talking about innocent good people? Causing them harm if you could? Laughing and rejoicing at peoples misfortune? Which is you?… there is still time to change before it is too late. Why do you think so many people like me are used by the Lord to show you the truth? I wasn’t perfect no one is and the Lord knew this.. It says all fall short of the glory of God as we have learnt already. The Lord delivered me from many things.. Many things this world had me tangled up in.. we will get into this at a later date. But God loved me through all the things that I was doing, those things that were harming me in many ways.. ( hey there is enough people out there who try do that without you helping them). God didn’t give up on me.. Right me off like so many do to their own.
God loved me no matter what I had done. In fact God loves all people no matter what they have done. He knows that if you give Him time He can change that part of you. Why? LOVE is the most powerful force.
We learnt it obliterates evil. badness, terrible pasts, hurtful pasts, unjust times, deceptions.
God who is love, loves all people no matter what continually, non stop, never ending never giving, never saying well; they really have done it this time! Satan has had many believe they are no good and they have done too may bad things for the Lord to love them.. This is huge deception….. This was the reason Jesus was sent back. The reason he went through all He did. To reconcile us back to God who loves us so much.. That even though through mans choice we had rejected Him and all his love and splendor. Even though through mans choice the earth was cursed and all the badness crept in because satan had been given dominion.. Meaning control and headship over its people.
Even though all this happened, God could not sit by and let that continue knowing full well where we would end up for eternity. We are a spirit being that lives on. God came down in the form of a man Jesus and reconciled us back to HIM should you chose to believe in him. He gave us His Grace (unmerited favor) we don’t deserve and through His grace we are free, having conquered death, Hell and the curse and we have the opportunity because HE LOVES US SO MUCH to live eternally with him forever. The sting of death gone.. Only LIFE for those that love God.
Anyone who thinks that there is only one life that is here and live it is in a deep deception and I pray your eyes to be opened NOW in Jesus name. We are in the end times.. The age of Grace.. We learnt this there is only short time left just like back in the days of Noah.. He only had a 100 hundred to preach righteousness and build the ark. We learnt only 8 people believed God and only 8 People were saved. The word of the Lord says this…. The way to heaven is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.. The word of God says that the road to Heaven is narrow yet the road to hell is wide. Which road are you on? Do you care? If you don’t now you will do…. Don’t make the same mistake billions have already…You are in the age of Grace by NO MISTAKE!
The ones who are now in hell are in eternal torment… like you could not possibly imagine. Right where the devil wants all mankind.. And NOT where God created you to go. This is His love for you.. This is who He is..
This is Unending love.UnFailing LOVE!
Love never Fails…. don’t ever give up. Your Heavenly Father has never given up on you. No matter what has happened. He says you have a future… Your future with me. Your future full of truth and love.
A future that will only bring you the best for you, your family for now and eternity.
A future that says NO to all badness that goes on in this world. 1 John
A future that says you will sit at my right side and I will make your enemies your foot stool. Hebrews 1:13
A future that’s says come to me all who are weary and heavy laden for I will give you rest for my yoke is easy and light. Mathew 11:28
A future that say. All the promises of God are YES and AMEN in Christ Jesus.
2 Corinthians 1:20
A future that says you are more than conquerors. Romans 8:37
A future that says they that wait upon the Lord shall indeed renew their strength. Isaiah 40:31
A future that say I am redeemed from the curse for cursed Christ becoming the curse for us… for cursed is everyone (Jesus) that hangs on the tree (Cross). Galatians 3:13
A future that says sickness and disease have no power over me I am forgiven and free from sin and guilt and I alive unto righteousness and with His stripes I am healed and made whole. Colossians 1:21
A future that says I am saved by Grace through Faith. Ephesians 2:8
A future that says I am the light of the world. Mathew 5:14
A future that says through Christ all things are possible to those that believe.
Mark 9:23
A future that says that you are no longer separated from God.. And nothing can separate you from the love of God that is Christ Jesus. Romans 8:38-39
A future that says Out of my belly shall flow rivers of living water ( the Holy Spirit and Life) John 7:38 ( that is POWER)
A future that says the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead lives and dwells in you (if you have asked Jesus into your heart and life). Romans 8:11
A future that says I am a child of God Romans 8:16
A future that says I am delivered form the power of darkness and transferred in to the kingdom of the son of LOVE Colossians 1:13
A future that says I am an heir to God and a joint Heir with Christ ( that makes you a KINGS KID!) Romans 8:17
A future that says I am the righteousness, ( Just, upright, rectified) of God in Christ Jesus
2 Corinthians 5:21
A future that says I am getting all my needs met Philippians 4:19
A future that says I am daily overcoming the devil 1 John 4:4
These are just a very small collection of promises from your daddy.. Father in Heaven who loves you. God who wants to give and have you walk in all these and so much more. This is your rightful inheritance What else has he stolen…. The Lord says He will restore the years the locusts ( demons) have stolen in Jesus Name.. Take it, it is yours….. Your gift from your Heavenly Father.
The dark one has been stealing as we have learnt since the beginning of time from man. You Heavenly Father loves you so much, He is trying to give you all that is yours but it has to be done a legal way. The only way because of what happened at the beginning of creation. The dark one legally got dominion over mankind and the world so God legally through Christ Jesus who is GRACE and the LIVING WORD regains Lordship ( Ownership) of man through your choice of excepting His love and all the gifts He has provided.
There is so many we have only scratched the surface there. This is why it is important to get to know God and the bible for yourself so you know what is provided for you.
I can tell you this once you do. You will not walk around defeated like most people do when calamity comes. And believe me just because it may not have knocked on your door yet. It doesn’t mean it isn’t coming. We are in a cursed world full of evil and curses but when you are in Christ you are redeemed from that curse and once you get your head around that by renewing your mind. How? By the word of God Romans 12:1-2
While others are crumbling around you.
You have perfect peace in the storm and come out of the others side stronger wiser WHOLE and free. While those without Christ loose it, crumble and have life stolen. Defeated because they don’t know how to combat or get over what has been thrown at them. For example: YOU cannot rely on the world for certain sicknesses…. There is NO CURE in the medical field for example Cancer… so what do you do? Do you die or do you do what the Lord says in His word. That is believe in Him and not what is happening in your body. There are so many testimonies of people who have been healed from cancer terminal cancer.. And so many different illness. The news doesn’t share it why? Because the dark one rules a lot of the air waves and media (look at the music videos today to see all the symbolism in it ( satanic)) People are blind at the moment but I pray you are awakened Now in Jesus name. People are unaware of the healing power of Christ Jesus because the dark one has pulled out all the stops to deceive the world and keep the truth from being publicized.
Sad thing is its always been there in the bible but the world has corrupted so many into thinking its boring, I can’t understand it or they believe the lies that circulate like its all false. It contradicts itself etc.. Its not real. That’s the biggest lie going and unless you have actually given the bible a try and spoke to Jesus and the Holy Spirit you cannot say it is not real! The world is learning again about the power of God and the Love of God through many servants who are doing what they are ordained to do just at the right time. The end time. Not too long ago a hundred years in fact was Britain a God fearing nation. With National days of Prayer. In WW2... Those days of prayer took place and almost everyone took part. Instead of the pubs being packed out they were empty.. Britain was a God fearing nation and they prayed. They lived by the bible… It was not heard of that anyone had sex before marriage.. Why? that’s another lesson we will cover. A very important one so look out for it. The dark one unleashed satanic deception and warfare across the world to deceive people even more.. Making it so much easier for them to choose his way. In fact making Gods way the biblical way… the truth look foreign and wrong… its deception BIG ONE. Have a research on what Britain was like just a hundred years ago… how we were a God fearing nation as was the rest of the world.
God loves you… He doesn’t want anyone to be deceived and now that you have read this you don’t have an excuse either. You have been told.. It is now up to you.. Choose His love or choose the dark ones deception and ultimately hell. I mean! What a choice! We are going to continue in the last part of Love Never fails.. Because Understanding Our Almighty Gods love is very important and a massive subject. So we not quite finished yet!
Until then Please continue to pray for Loves Living Word Ministries. We love you, God Loves you He sent His son to die for you so you could be free. That’s love. How many so called Gods do you know that died for you? He did it not for anything in return.. Just so you could be ok.. Both down here protected against evil and so your eternal life is also secured with HIM.
Oh Praise His Holy Name..

Question is are you ready for the truth?
Are you ready to be truly loved and to walk in LOVE?
Be blessed this new month in Jesus Christ. Thank you for your faithful visits to the site.
Please Join us on our Facebook link.
Love Lisa xxx
Acts 26:18"To open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.'