Hello and GOD BLESS you....... We are approaching a time to reflect on GOD with us. EMMANUEL.
Please see my small video Greeting... ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XO4c8zqh-LE&list=HL1356533215&feature=mh_lolz
God sent His son to over 2000 years ago. JESUS. CELEBRATE Him the month in all you do. Praise Him like never before. Reach to Him like you did the first time You heard of HIM. He desires a relationship so personal that In every little thing you do you would talk with HIM. He is your guide, Teacher, confident, intercessor, advocate, if you are born again. He lives in us By The HOLY GHOST shed abroad in our hearts as the bible says. WHAT A PRECIOUS GIFT. That is something NO MONEY could ever buy or replace. ITS FREE reach to HIM Call to HIM. He calls you NOW.
LOVES LIVING WORD MINISTRIES would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very
HAPPY and prosperous CHRISTMAS season.
I would like to encourage you to reach out to people who have no place to go at CHRISTMAS. To those who have no family or are hurting. Those who are alone. I know all three of those and what it is like to spend CHRISTMAS alone.. Unloved in the natural world and It wasn't nice. PRAISE GOD I found JESUS and all that changed forever .But only when THE LORD directed me... This is why He came.. Read Isaiah 1
He came for the broken.. the fatherless.. the widow... the sick.. He loves you. If you are alone this Christmas. Give Loves Living Word Ministries an email we would love to hear from you. Send in you Prayer requests we are standing by. God Bless you Love you.
I want to share how busy LOVES LIVING WORD MINISTRIES has been. We have a NEW Project that was the HOLY GHOSTS idea. Here are the details...
After seeing skulls on children's clothing in the shops, I asked the Lord what can we do to spread more of HIS LIGHT? It had to co inside with Financially helping the youth at ST ANDREWS CHURCH LIVERPOOL. and a Children's Charity. The Lord came up with a wonderful idea. MADE by LOVELY has designed beautiful JESUS bracelets for girls and boys. Adults bracelets can be made to order as well.
They are elegantly wrapped in Organza Bags and include a scripture chosen by the HOLY GHOST.
They are £5.00 each and 10% goes to between ST ANDREWS CHURCH and a Zoe's Place Baby HOSPICE. in LIVERPOOL. UNITED KINGDOM.
They are an ideal gift for Christmas, Baptisms, Birthdays or anytime. Please see a small collection below. Many have already been sold and more are on there way.
You can pay via paypal link and email me at llwmuk@hotmail.co.uk with all details of where to ship. Depending on country etc will be price of postage. I get a list drawn up from the post office and post to the site.
These Beautifully Hand made Bracelets are heavy. Elegant and full of LOVE.
JESUS Bracelets spreading HIS LIGHT to the people.
They are £5 each and 10% goes towards Childrens charities in LIVERPOOL UNITED KINGDOM. One is Called ZOES PLACE Childrens Charity for Sick Children.
I will provide all evidence of FUNDRAISING from LOVES LIVING WORD MINISTRIES.
They have a scripture card inside from my HOME CHURCH ST ANDREWS that the HOLY GHOST chose. Matt 19:14. They come wrapped in a white organza bag for girls.. with either a Cross, Angel, Rose, Butterfly or feet and so on.. They are LOVELY JUST like GOD. Just LIKE JESUS
The boys are just as LOVELY and come wrapped in brown paper and string with the MADE BY LOVELY tag. They include a scripture card also.

There is also baby ones.. There was a mini Launch at church on sunday and sold many. PRAISE GOD we have already started to raise FUNDS for the YOUTH at ST ANDREWS and CHILDRENS CHARITY Zoes place. PLEASE Contact VIA email and I will give you the PAY PAL details Thanks llwmuk@hotmail.co.uk
Also My friend and Leader in the City of Liverpool Liam Moore. From VOICE in the CITY (River of LIFE MINISTRIES) has NEW PROPHETIC SOUND OUT. 1000 Children sang In a Catherdral in LIVERPOOL and the CD is now released. The proceeds go to various Childrens Charities in Liverpool.
Liam has worked with KIND, Families Fighting for Justice and so many more. The CD is £3.00. You can purchase this CD either at the sites below Or in ASDA, UNITED KINGDOM or ONLINE. ITUNES
Please see here http://www.merseysideunites.org.uk/
Merseyside UNITES facebook Page http://www.facebook.com/voiceinthecity?fref=ts
A Word From our Father.. TEST IT OUT.. PRAY.. Ask the HOLY GHOST to confirm.
Prophetic word.... 14 DECEMBER 2012
I AM coming with such force and power the world has never seen. Release your cares and concerns to me.
For what approaches is a time for harvest to those who have been faithful to me. You have been faithful with little now I will give you a storehouse to be faithful with much. What you seek is only to desire to please me and You have, You have reached a height of maturity and now your focus is on the hurting and lowly. Reach to them and my power will guide you into the most wonderful opportunities that will present themselves.
To those who have not yet fulfilled what I have asked of them Only through me will this be done LET GO and give it to me and watch as I do a new thing in your midst. Seek me only and no other How do they know what will be? How can you relate to others when you do not focus on me? Hold yourself in high esteem and I will strip you of this.. Its not you who does anything BUT I who sets the captives free.
My wind is being release on my people and through this time of adversity and change I will release much blessings and abundance for all to see. Focus and shift your attention to me. And see the words I have spoken Hold the keys to LIFE. Your guard will slip if you do not seek me in all you do. For my way is to prosper you and not to harm you. To give you hope and a future. The future is BRIGHT.. and plentiful... ( the Lord is showing me a pain in my side) The pain you feel will subside when you release yourself fully to my purpose and NOT YOUR OWN. Hold your guard and grip and your foundations will be laid upon the rock. Beauty is all around you Look and see I have paved the way. It is I that grounds you with the corner stone. It is I that transcends peace and understanding It is I who says FOCUS on me. My goodness reigns. The New year will bring whirl winds... For nations.. for people lives and for my people I am coming like a mighty rushing wind... Go with my flow and not your own. Release yourself to me and be caught up in the biggest move the world has seen. My people rise up. Rise...condemnation is only for the wicked not the righteous Do not condemn yourselves any longer, See I am gentle and meek. My way is what brought Kings to the ground... and princes to their knees, My way brought food to the hungry and shelter to the weak. I am your shield. I am your rear guard, Guard your selves with all diligence. Speak of the glad tidings and know that your every move is to help the hurting and lost. For I came to seek those who were lost. Child I love you. My love is everlasting says the God of Israel..... your redeemer LIVES. My way is the way to salvation.
1. REV 22:12 4. PSALMS 104 7. JEREMIAH 29:11
2. ROMANS 12 5. PROVERBS 4:20-22 8. LUKE 6:38
10. 2 PETER 1:3 11. ROMANS 8:1 12. MATT 11:29
13. 1 KINGS 18-19 14. COLOSSIANS 2:15 15. LUKE 3:11
16. PSALMS 91 and 27 17. PROVERBS 4:23 18: LUKE 4:18
19. LUKE 19:10 20. JOHN 14:6
I saw whirl winds, I saw houses being ripped up from the ground and carried in the whirl wind. This is both Nateral and spiritual.... People foundations are being tested and tried. Peoples houses are being shaken.. is it truly built on HIM The rock? If it is you will survive.. FOUNDATION BUILDERS,,, Build on HIM. STRONG Immovable. I see de bree being removed .. Stick..... branches... tumble weeds like bushes. They are being take out. in the back ground is HIS GLORY his LIGHT... In the darkness He shines.. The clouds are being moved..... The grass green and plentiful... GOD IS NOT THE AUTHOR OF THESE WHIRLWINDS satan is
UPDATE 21 MAY 2013
UPDATE 25 JANUARY 2013 see here
Go to my Facebook page... You will see a re copied conversation that I had on my private facebook page about a vision I had of an EXPLOSION. this was on 5 JAN 2013...I heard words SOUTH PACIFIC... end of JAN there was a huge explosion in the SOUTH PACIFIC MEXICO. 25 died! Check out the conversation go to loves living word ministries facebook page here:
I feel and see that Asia is going to have a massive flood..I felt to say China..... There is a torrent like a river flowing through there. People are scared... This is both in natural and in prophetic.. I see people afraid. Some running at the side of the river... they afraid to jump in to the river,, the Lord says do not be afraid for I am with you... I heard the word hodoshi???? having looked it is ARMOUR wow... ( Odoshi) awesome... Im sure it is two fold.. Both a flood in natural.. Mighty Torrent and people afraid. But also The LORD is present and His river is a mighty torrent rushing through CHINA. His spirit.... Don't be afraid people.. Get with Him. Don't run on the way side, Jump in.
UPDATE 21/05/2013 See this link http://news.sky.com/story/1093220/china-floods-storms-leave-hundreds-trapped
UPDATE 19/9/2013
More floods China!!!!!
The Lord shows me Russia I see an army rising.. I see the soldiers in big hats.. walking with their legs out at the front in formation. I see they are in sink and ready. we need to pray about this. I here the words Kremlin. and see a building that is shaped with a dome at the top. I see buildings that have figures on them. Like a beautiful Court yard? I see people starving there and things are very underground. He shows me just like in the film Chitty Chitty Bang bang where the people hid in secret while the elite ate plentiful. He shows me planes war planes... small ones numbers on them in big... red white a blue. I see jets hear word missiles. i see a bell in this court type place with beautiful buildings... it is not ringing yet.
I also saw a Clock tower with a bell in it.
I will post all scripture references shortly. and information I want to get this out there NOW.
6 JANUARY 2013 The Lord pointed me to
Zephaniah whole chapter BUT see here......
Chapter 2:2
" The time for repentance is speeding by like chaff before whirled the WIND"
Chapter 1:2 "
The Lord has his way in the whirlwind and in the storm and reserves wrath for his enemies."
I have given you what I saw, I have now put my self out there Lets see :)
We are now 9th Sept update..... wow so much has come to pass.... See the links for yourself..... I have come back through the year and added links of news regarding the visions the Lord gave and it coming to pass. YOU DECIDE!
I wish to thank everyone for their on going support in Prayer For LOVES LIVING WORD MINISTRIES. Also for faithfully coming back time and time again. Be blessed And look out for the NEW YEAR MESSAGE .
God Loves you. I love you
From Lisa and Ethan my son
1 Corinthians 1:8
"For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God."