Tuesday 20 September 2011

A poem... by Lisa Tierney

Without HIM we are nothing!

God reaches to places man could never reach
His heights are infinitely beyond
His love remains steadfast, stable unchanged
even when He has been wronged
Such a sweet voice steering inside my head
urging me to keep going on
release to me my child the pain within
Let me sing you a new song!

So as I release re new refresh In Him
I feel the strength re build once again within
His fragrance emanates, within my soul
His warmth and joy fills in that hole
to overflowing with and everlasting love
as i stand in awe as look on above
To our maker the one who has paved the way
The bringer of Light and peace for every day

Father my love, My all, My Life
help me tame the darkness the evil the strife
that constantly knocks on your servants door
Your blood cover this, I stand firm so sure
as the fiery darts horde after horde hit the floor.
My God My all My Life so true
where would I be if I was without you.

A rainbow in the sky, a message, a sign
your gentle voice conveying what is divine
Your precious gifts within me growing strong,
Relaying what you need to be known
How great is your love a love through all time
unchanging, stable, simply divine..
The blood you shed once and for all for me and mine
Keeps me going until the end of all time.

By Lisa Tierney 19/09/11 Copy writed to Lisa Tierney

Sunday 18 September 2011

18/09/11 What are you listening too? 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 LOVE ALWAYS TRUSTS

Hello and God Bless you. Hope you have been well. 

God is a good God, nothing bad could ever come from Him.

What have you been listening to this week? Have you been listening to the bad report? Or have you been listening to your circumstances that are screaming out things are bad!. God word says LOVE ALWAYS TRUSTS in the latter part of 1 Corinthians 13:4-8…. When we are in Christ we too are to trust. Are we just to trust anything or anybody. No!

We are to trust in the one who is and always will be faithful Jesus Christ. We are to trust in Gods word. 

If anyone is going through a harsh time right now Gods word will give you the answer.. It is up to you to speak it out of your mouth and believe on it ( trusting) even if you don’t see change straight away. This is Faith in Gods promises. This is TRUST….. All Gods promises are given to the born again spirit filled believer in Christ. The Answer is Jesus Christ. He is the one who can supernaturally change your circumstance around just like that! He is the one who will comfort you when you received the bad report and no one can help you not even your family or doctors. Jesus is the one who will help you when all you seem to be around is badness yet inside you know this isn’t right and you want out! Jesus is the answer when there seems to be no way out.

Psalm 112:7 “He shall not be afraid of evil tidings; his heart is firmly fixed, trusting (leaning on and being confident) in the Lord. “

Jesus is the answer even if your life is just fine. Jesus is the answer full stop and He is coming back very soon. Will you be with him, have faith, trust and confidence in him or do you disbelieve in Him? Do you trust that He came to save you from the grips of darkness or do you trust in what the world says.. That he doesn’t exist, its just stories… or so what if he did I know better I don’t need him. Do you trust in yourself more than you trust in the Living God? So many people put their confidence and trust in either themselves, people and circumstances only to find out sooner or later that the very things you have trusted in has let you down. Sometimes big time! Jesus will never ever let you down. Why? Because that is not his nature… His nature is LOVE. But He is more than that He actually is LOVE.

And in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 it says Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."

This is the New International Version we have studied. But Lets take a look at the New King James Version because it explains things a bit better:

Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.

This week we will look at “LOVE ALWAYS TRUSTS

Lets break down what Trust means in the English dictionary:

1. firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something:

As Christians, when you became a Christian you had to believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord and He is part of the trinity Father Son and Holy Ghost. You had to believe if you are re born that as the bible says in John 3:16 “ God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son that who so ever shall believe on Him shall not perish but have everlasting LIFE (eternal life)”

That is a firm belief in Jesus, what He came here for and what you attain if you believe on HIM… As a Christian you believed in Him that He is reliable, He is the Truth, He has the ability. You have trust in HIM. Jesus. You have Trusted in his word.
In Jesus you can trust but not just in who he is, but what He did as seen by eyes witnesses and recorded through time but also in what He still does today supernaturally. He has the biggest following of people trusting in Him more than any other religion or group still to this day. Why? Because He is real, He can be trusted. He is reliable and if He said you can do something you can. If he said you can have something then you can. His word is full of mighty and precious promises. So what do you have your trust in?

As parents we are in positions of trust to make sure the child has a good up bringing, is safe, healthy. loved and cared for. Jesus is in a position of trust over all of us.. God knew He was the only one who could defeat satan and gain back authority from the dark side. Jesus wants to take care of us, help us grow, protect us, to make us successful. He wants to share mighty and precious things with us. Secrets of heaven, Things this world knows nothing about. Precious Jewels and revelations. He wants to share his LOVE with you, but not just so that you can feel his love, much deeper than that So can see His love being evident in your life and of those who are yours.

 He wants to show you that trusting in the things of this world will not satisfy you and instead will take you away from Him and closer to the dark one. Jesus wants to show you that in Him you can do many things, things you wouldn’t even dream you could do. You could do them why? Because He said so and His ability is in you if you are born again. It bypasses yours and He can work through you. 

Why does Jesus want to work through you? To help other people who are lost. Hurting and going to Hell. Jesus came and paid the price once and for all… ALL means ALL people not just some. It’s a case of who will take His hand and let him enter your heart or who will close off thinking they know best and one day be told “The Kingdom of Heaven has been near to you” but you let it pass you by. Jesus is entrusted with responsibility to love and help us. ALWAYS.

This world and the way it behaves doesn’t know how to trust. You have a legally binding agreement for virtually everything theses days! Why? Because man and his word have been broken over and over again…there is no trust in man. The type of trust you have in a legally binding agreement can still be breached and still is being breached regardless. There is no absolute confidence in that either. This is not the type of trust Gods word means.. When he says “love always trusts“.. That is absolute 100% confidence in…. When God talks about trust.. He means no matter what without wavering.. One hundred percent type of Trust without wavering, breaking, changing your mind or becoming weary. 

A trust that says even if my body is sick and not working the way it should. I am going to trust God and what his word says that Jesus came to heal and you can receive your healing from any illness through trusting in this. Gods type of trust is when your bank account is empty and you have bills that need meeting and no way of paying them.. Trust is this… Trusting in What Gods promises are regarding finances without wavering. Not looking at the situation… not looking at the fact that you have no money… looking and trusting in what is yours. The promises that God has shared in his word for you; The promises Jesus shared and enabled for you to have.

Psalms 71:5 “For You are my hope; O Lord God, You are my trust from my youth and the source of my confidence”

“Love Always Trusts

Love = God/Jesus Love = Gods nature inside of us when we are born again

Always = Forever no matter what

Trusts = Relies, cleaves to, depends, believes in, has faith in, confidence in :

Jesus Christ, who is the word of God made flesh and dwelt amongst us. John 1
Trust in Gods word.

Proverbs 16:20 He who deals wisely and heeds [God's] word and counsel shall find good, and whoever leans on, trusts in, and is confident in the Lord--happy, blessed, and fortunate is he“.
LOVE ( you who are of God if born again) ALWAYS TRUSTS”. Don’t waiver if you are experiences set backs.. Don’t buckle under pressure, Don’t give up when you are almost there. Reach out to Him and put your trust in Him, Our precious wonderful Jesus, the one who will never let you down. I guarantee you do that expect supernatural encounters to occur, Expect miracles to take place. Expect the impossible to be made possible.
Trusting in Jesus is a crucial thing to do in this day and age. Time is short and soon all will have to stand before the white throne of God and declare whether you accepted or rejected Jesus.
Question is who have you been listening too? Who have you put your trust in?

Are you ready for the truth?

God Loves you, Jesus died for you. Take His hand and experience His love and power.

Love Lisa

If you have been touched by any of the teachings from
LOVES LIVING WORD MINISTRIES  then please get in touch. We would love to hear from you.

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1 Corinthians 1:18
"For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God".

Monday 5 September 2011

05/09/11 What are you looking at? LOVES LIVING WORD MINISTRIES

God Bless you and hello.. I trust you have been well and had a good few weeks.

Here is an update of Loves Living Word Ministries . The month of August has been a busy month.
LLWMUK has been helping a person who was diagnosed with cancer.   They found out that  Jesus Christ came to” heal all who were oppressed of the devil because God was with Him“. Acts 10:38

Although the doctors report was not good, through support and hearing the word of God this person is putting themselves in the right position to receive healing from God. He is JEHOVAH RAPHA ( one of his redemptive names) and that means “ The Lord WHO HEALETH THEE”. Contrary to what some people think or have heard, God is not and could never be the bringer of sickness. We are in the New Covenant, a Covenant of Love, Sickness came from the curse see Genesis 1. God sent Jesus back to bring this new covenant because he loves us so much see John 3:16. Gods plan always comes to pass and He wanted to take away authority that man gave to satan who is the bringer of sickness death or anything bad. Healing is the will of God and anyone who has been re awakened/re born and has sickness or illness can approach the throne of God and receive their healing. All it takes is FAITH. When the world system fails it is very reassuring to know that there is a final authority that can take that cancer away if you have faith in HIM. Many people have been healed of cancer all over the world. It is seen on television such as God TV, Trinity Broadcasting Network, Daystar and many more. You just don’t see it on ITV or BBC ONE because the Pharmaceutical companies are making billions upon billions in medicines and keeping the economy going, the powers that be in this world don’t want you to know that there is another source available other than them. Pharmaceuticals is a huge industry. The person LLWMUK has been helping was pleased to meet two people in our fellowship that have been miraculously healed of Cancer. Praise God.

Also this last month LLWMUK has helped a lady who has had the spirit of death trying to steal her life away. This lady had been suicidal. Anyone who experiences thoughts of suicide or self harming both of which this lady was experiencing will find this information good to know. In fact in a lot of cases it is a demon named “the spirit of death“. This situation, praise God has been dealt with by the power of God and his word and the lady is now free of such thoughts and no longer self harms. Depression and oppression come from the oppressor the devil and no other. Many people suffer with such adverse conditions and Jesus is the only answer. He enables you with his strength and not your own to shut the doors to the demonic strongholds ( legal rights to your life) and in turn, He can free you of many disorders such as Bi polar, Depression or any mental illness. This lady is very grateful and is on the road to recovery as long as she stays in Gods will and keeps those doors shut!!!!
There is a great scripture to speak out concerning this for anyone who ever experiences such things in 2 Timothy 1:7 For the Lord did not give you a spirit of fear but of LOVE, POWER AND SOUND MIND“.
 Speaking Gods word out in situations like this is the key. His word is alive, It is living, it is a seed. It is a two edged sword. See Hebrews 4:12.
That is a weapon, the sharpest and most deadly of all swords and when its spoken out it is a killing weapon against any demon that dare try cause you problems in your life.
The lady had suffered from demonic oppression since childhood but it grew stronger as she opened doors to the occult realm with tarot readings and such. The occult has now been renounced and the doors are shut. Praise God.
LLWMUK has helped another Girl who watched “insidious” a movie with her partner. Almost immediately after they started experiencing many terrible things happening to them. The guy was beaten up very badly to the point of being left un conscious and has had to a month off work to recover. His partner had experienced many bad situations to the point of loosing her home and had been very low. I am pleased to say with a small amount of help from LLWMUK and most of the help from God their situation has turned around and the doors that they had opened to the dark side are once again shut. Their eyes are opened and peace has now entered into their lives once again. There will be testimonies shortly on the You tube channel. Loves Living Word Ministries UK will be interviewing people who are ready to share their experiences on how God has helped them through the ministry. What happened to the last couple is without doubt due to doors opened to the demonic realm by watching the movie about demons and possession also the guy smoked cannabis. These are major doors for the demons to gain more entry into your life and have a legal right to harass and cause you harm. That is the demons sole goal. It is to kill steal and destroy as said in John 10:10. But the good news is this. No demon has any authority over a born again Holy Spirit filled person of God. Jesus said in John 10:10 satan comes but to Kill, Steal and Destroy but “I have come that you might have LIFE and have it in all its fullness.” So a heads up really if you are going to watch such movies about spirits, demons and possessions then you ARE OPENING DOORS to the demonic realm to harass and try ruin your life. Its NO JOKE, now you cant say you haven’t been warned! Its real more real than you could ever imagine. Why else do you think the movies are made in the first place. Gods word says in
Mathew 6:22-23 says

"The lamp of the body is the eye. If, then, your eye is simple ( looking on good things), your whole body will be bright; but if your eye is wicked (looking on dark things), your whole body will be dark. If in reality the light that is in you is darkness, how great that darkness is!"

There is a famous saying…
“The eyes are the windows of the soul“.

Lets break this down. We know what our eyes are and what they do for us. They enable us to see, to get about, do things, read, dance, drive, write, see colour, words, the list goes on. They enable our body to be able to function fully. Without them we are very limited and in darkness. Imagine living in darkness, no vision or colour at all. No light, No view of where you are walking, not even able to see what you look like other than going off touch and someone describing it to you. This is how important your eyes are in the natural realm.
Windows--- lets break this down. A window is something you have in place, it’s an opening yet it shields. It enables to you to see through it, so you have a view of the other side. Lets take a look at a dictionary meaning:
This seemed a good explanation from a the free dictionary online: a. An opening constructed in a wall or roof that functions to admit light or air to an enclosure and is often framed and spanned with glass mounted to permit opening and closing. In this case the eyes of the body are basically this:
An opening that functions to admit light or air to the body. Note it doesn’t say to admit darkness? No it says to admit Light ( good things) not darkness such as bad movies, badness or evil of any kind. The eyes are the lamp unto the body Mathew 6:22. A lamp is something that brings light, it provides direction, ability to see, enables you to be able to do anything as without light its very difficult. Mathew 6:22 says our eyes are the Lamp to the body. So if the lamp is turned off or turned down by darkness and what you are around and feeding yourself with then Mathew 6:22-23 says that the whole body will become dark, it will be filled with darkness and how dark it shall be.

This is why it is so important what you allow yourself and your children to be around. Darkness destroys, Light brings life.
Now we already know if you have followed any of the teaching at LLWMUK that the soul consists of three things. It is you Mind ( power to know) your Will ( power to Choose) and your Emotions ( power to feel/sense).
The soul comes from the Greek word Psuche which is where the word Psychology in the English language comes from today. The souls is part of a humans three part being. We are a Spirit ( eternal being) We have a Soul ( Mind Will and Emotions) and We Live in a Body ( this perishes).
The scripture Mathew 6:22 is referring to our body and what is within our body. We have a spirit and soul in there. Jesus said we are to look upon good things not bad things, we are to fill ourselves with light and not darkness. He didn’t say it for His benefit but ours. Why? Because our bodies will become corrupt if fed on darkness so will our soul. Darkness is not of God for he is LIGHT as said in 1John 1:5 God is Light in Him there is NO darkness”

James 1:17 “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.”

If you are surrounded by darkness and watching those types of things then you can expect stuff like I have just described to go on in your life. This is nothing new it has gone on for hundreds of years. Set your eyes ( which are the lamp to the body- the windows of the soul - Your emotions, Mind and Will) on good things, keep your self in Light because if you are watching dark stuff you are feeding your soul and body darkness and I guarantee you will be behaving that way too. Jealousy, nastiness, uncaring, selfish, slanderous at the least. Its fact that murderers and child abusers watch and surround themselves with dark stuff like this. Why? Its feeding them. Be careful what you watch and listen to. Its fact that children who play violent games become immune to violence and either become aggressive themselves, or are not fazed at such things thinking this is normal. It is not normal. Just like a person who was brought up around domestic violence as a child or sexual abuse becomes an abuser themselves in a lot of cases. Its very rare that the pattern does not continue, Why? You are what you are hanging around with and watching or hearing. On some occasions those who are stronger and have help can turn the whole situation around and actually help others who go through such things. This is called VICTORY against the dark side. On other occasions they may not actually abuse themselves but find they are weak and go into co dependent relationships and destructive lifestyles. ( you will find this in any Psychology or Medical study) It is so important what you are brought up around and what you actually entertain yourself by. If you have had an unfortunate up bringing don’t despair, Jesus is waiting to heal all of this and take all the negativity away. If you have buried all this very deep, you know to well that it doesn’t go away and it does come out one way or another. There are triggers, yet people try and mask it with drink or drugs rather than face the reality. The great news is that you don’t have to re live this, You don’t have to regress as a child to heal or talk about it. Jesus will work from the inside out of you, silently most of the time without you even being aware to a point where it doesn’t bother you anymore and you are strong enough to cope with it and forgive and forget. You will be able to live free from such traumas that were not meant for you in the first place. Take his hand and let Jesus heal these wounds should you have them.
Jesus is waiting to help you change your future for anyone who has suffered such terrible things. It may seem easier to bury it deep but if its not dealt with it will come out someway. There is no need for pain, Jesus is not the bringer of pain or sadness only Peace and joy/happiness beyond anything you can ever imagine. If anything like that did happen to you, of course you will know that those things that happened were out of your control as a child. It was satanic, the very thing that people go to for readings today! The very thing people hang on to their every word from! Jesus will heal all those terrible wounds and shut doors to these demonic strong holds and patterns that may have been conformed in your life as a result.
If you have faith in him and call out to him He will be right there and begin the healing process. You will be changed, restored, transformed, stronger, wiser and able more able than you have ever been and prepared for anything. You have this right. This is one of the many reasons Jesus came to earth and died on the cross. He died and suffered the most terrible death and torture so that you no longer have to suffer but also your children and their children don’t have to suffer either. . God has always had a very different plan for you see  

Jeremiah 1:5 It says this Before you were formed in the womb I knew you
 That means God knew you before you were even formed in your mothers belly. Did you know that before you were formed God named you too? Your parents may have chosen the name but it did come from GOD! Names in the Hebrew culture are very important. Do research and see what your name means. I think you will find you will be surprised. How ever I must say that its ok to look up what your name means for intrigue after all it is your name but astrology and all the other stuff like it is not FULL TRUTH. Always stick with the bible and Gods word. God is very clear on astrology and the like, Jesus came back to show you the truth, He said “you shall know the TRUTH and the truth shall set you free“.
It saddens me to see so many peoples lives stolen and destroyed through lack of knowledge of the TRUTH.
It is said my people are destroyed through lack of Knowledge in Hosea

I see countless people who have been to psychics or mediums or the like and have hung on to their every word, they have been impressed because they have shown them they know bits about them and the Psychic says many future events and the persons hold on to this, I can talk boldly about this as I was a very “so call gifted” medium and Psychic!!! The person talks about what the Psychic has shared and eventually finds that it didn’t happen fully like the fortune teller said or in fact mayhem erupted instead. They kept out many parts such as severe illness, deaths, marriage breakdowns, Job losses. There is another way a fortune teller ( who is being used by a spirit of divination) will work, they falsely prophecy that you will loose your job or your partner or someone was going to get ill or die in extreme cases . And you know what they are doing they are lying, They are demon spirits operating through the person possessed by a spirit of divination and once spoken and you accept it, it brings about a stronghold in your life, Once the person has been told these things they believe it no matter what, They talk about it to their mates, they have faith in that very thing that was supposedly going to happen and guess what they have just given the demon authority to do just that. Guarantee if its negative and you except it, it most likely will happen. You have just given access to demons to bring it about. Spirits of divination cant bring about anything good, they may say good things are coming and it may appear that for a while they are but it wont last! The devil is the father of lies Jesus said. Its true. This is why it is so important to stay away from such things. Ever wonder why after you have seen a medium or psychic all hell breaks loose in your life, a run of events happen one after the other where you just put it down to bad luck? Wrong!

 It’s the door you have just opened to the demonic realm. People say oh he is brilliant or she knew so much.. You have no idea that this is just a small portion of the Truth. These people may be well meaning people, unaware like in my case that they have in fact a spirit of divination attached to them. I thought it was My gifts, My ability as I was like this from a child. Wrong. I found this out when the thing left me with the help of Jesus Christ the only one who can help you. I could not do half as much as I could. I did however have gifting from God and God replaced the demon gifting to His. You know what that is real power.

 Supernatural power able to help and has helped and freed many so far! The bible is very clear on the subject of fortune tellers, They are called familiar spirits also, they hang around people, sometimes years and yes they can say what you did last week at that shop or what happened at the restaurant with your pal. They can reveal your family members and friends or acquaintances. They are spirit beings invisible ones at that and have an eternity of time to hang around families. Hence the word familiar spirits! LLWMUK has helped many who has been in touch with mediums and psychics, mostly the people are unaware of what the bible states about them and they only find out when things have got so out of hand that they cant deny that there are supernatural forces at work. Don’t get the stage many have, get out while you have been blessed and warned! STAY WAY FROM IT! Take a look at This….
Bible verses warnings about medium’s and spiritualist

Leviticus 19:31 “Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritist’s, for you will be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God

Saul, Israel’s first King. Started out well..

1 Samuel 28:3-25 “He expelled mediums and spiritist’s from the land, yet then violated God’s word and his own conscience by consulting a medium” (1 Samuel 28:3-25). His end was tragic (1 Samuel 31:1-6).
Leviticus 20:6 I will set my face against the person who turns to mediums and spiritist’s to prostitute himself by following them, and I will cut him off from his people”
Isaiah 8:19 “When men tell you to consult mediums and spiritist’s, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living?

Bible verses warning about astrology

Deuteronomy 4:19 And when you look up to the sky and see the sun, the moon and the stars—all the heavenly array—do not be enticed into bowing down to them and worshiping things the LORD your God has apportioned to all the nations under heaven
... and contrary to my command has worshiped other gods, bowing down to them or to the sun or the moon or the stars of the sky (Deuteronomy 17:3).

Isaiah 47:13-15 “All the counsel you have received has only worn you out! Let your astrologers come forward, those stargazers who make predictions month by month, let them save you from what is coming upon you. Surely they are like stubble; the fire will burn them up. They cannot even save themselves from the power of the flame. Here are no coals to warm anyone; here is no fire to sit by. That is all they can do for you—these you have labored with and trafficked with since childhood. Each of them goes on in his error; there is not one that can save you”.

Jeremiah 10:1-2Hear what the LORD says to you, O house of Israel. This is what the LORD says: "Do not learn the ways of the nations or be terrified by signs in the sky, though the nations are terrified by them"

Daniel 1:20 In every matter of wisdom and understanding about which the king questioned them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters in his whole kingdom”.

Bible verses warnings about divination, sorcery and magic charms

Do not practice divination or sorcery (Leviticus 19:26). (A diviner is a modern day psychic)

Ezekiel 13:20 Therefore this is what the Sovereign LORD says: I am against your magic charms with which you ensnare people like birds and I will tear them from your arms; I will set free the people that you ensnare like birds.

Zechariah 10:2The idols speak deceit, diviners see visions that lie; they tell dreams that are false, they give comfort in vain. Therefore the people wander like sheep oppressed for lack of a shepherd.”

Malachi 3:5 "So I will come near to you for judgment. I will be quick to testify against sorcerers, adulterers and perjurers, against those who defraud laborers of their wages, who oppress the widows and the fatherless, and deprive aliens of justice, but do not fear me," says the LORD Almighty.

You want prophecy that will come to pass? Experience it from God who is pure love, That will change your life and put you on the right path instead of the wrong one that the devil wants to steer you towards I suggest you get to a supernatural spirit filled church. People get impressed by a psychic, id be interested to see how you would react if you sought God. He is the ULTIMATE spirit and Prophecy teller. He uses men and women all over the world to share what He wants you to know. All of which is for your benefit, all is truth and not any deceit or harm. I call anyone who is reading this to WAKE UP and accept Christ into your life before it is too Late. Amen. This is why this message is sent out today. Your life is worth everything to your Father in Heaven and Jesus. He has sent the Holy Spirit to be your guide, your support, your helper, your advocate, your intercessor. This is why you are reading this message NOW! God is showing you truth! The spirit of Death and lies is ever present in this world seeking who he may deceive and devour….. Don’t shrug your shoulders, Think bad of the message bringer, don’t ignore the truth! You don’t know until you have approached God do you! Don’t call what you haven’t even tried or right it off, that is ignorance and blindness. ….Be vigilant, Be wise, Be in Control!
The bible is clear on this is in 1 Peter 5:8 Be sober and vigilant for your adversary ( enemy) the devil roams around like a roaring Lion seeking whom he may devour”

The Holy Spirit is right here to show you the truth. Jesus came to set you free so you could see that truth and live in it for you, your family, your kids, their kids and so on. Don’t take the easy route because you think it may seem easier now, You don’t know what’s ahead! Don’t miss this opportunity to live and walk in the truth. One day you will be in it whether you believe now or not Question which side are you on? Your own? Light or darkness? There is either light or darkness there is no in between. Hell is a very dark place, you don’t have to go there. God is calling you.
Be vigilant, Be watchful the signs of the anti Christ are ever present in this world. Just as Jesus has given you many signs. He’s calling you RIGHT NOW!

Are you going to just walk by? And continue in spiritual darkness? No matter how much it is dressed up as light or gives you superficial pleasure that doesn’t last?. Time will show you this is false. Jesus is calling you, Take this opportunity to study what has been said to be true. Don’t just take my word for it. Seek Jesus, seek God, I guarantee you wont be disappointed.

Read the bible start with the New Testament and discover all the truths about the spirit of death and how Jesus over came it. How He and his disciples raised many people from the dead. How Jesus went about healing all who were oppressed of the devil. How blind men and women regained their sight. How the lame born with the palsy walked. How many of his prophets alone defeated raging armies of the evil one for God was with them. How miracle after miracle occurred in the believers life. How people who were in bondage ( things that held them in chains) where supernaturally set free. How people with the hardest of hearts had their hearts softened by a touch of Gods love. You will see in the bible that men and women of all ages came into contact with the Almighty God, they saw seas part, chariots of Angels behind them in battle, they saw demons being cast out of many people, freeing men, women and children. You will see the adversary the devil working in the bible and his defeat by Jesus Christ alone. You will see how the devil failed over and over again against men and women of faith WHY? God was with them!! You will see in the bible that it is not just an old boring Book. Its ALIVE, SUPERNATURAL, it can change any circumstance that you are facing around, It can change things that this world could never help change, It can help you and aid you against anything that comes in your path but not only will it bring you wisdom from the ULTIMATE SPIRIT. You will possess access to the Kingdom of heaven and bypass that awful place set aside for the wicked. (The ones who choose to ignore God). The bible is Gods LIVING word… It hold the keys to LIFE and shows you how to stay away from death. ( spiritual death we are an eternal being/spirit). The bible has the keys to prosperity which is much more than just finances, Its mean success in all areas. The bible holds many mysteries and secrets and they are given freely to all who come to Him. God communicates to you through this book, it is SUPERNATURAL,!
You open that bible and start to read and ask God to help you even if you are not saved. He will show you just what you need to hear!. This is the ultimate BOOK of PROPHECY. The bible has foretold what is to come in this world and guess what it has been coming to pass ( happening) for 2000 years. The HOLY SPIRIT is bigger than any spirit and especially the spirit of death. I am sent to tell you today you don’t have to be subject to the spirit of death but the spirit of LIFE. JESUS IS LIFE.

 All the people LLWMUK has helped this month have had connections with the occult, either via Movies, Readings, drugs, excessive drink, generational curses. Guard what you are around! Praise God the people that have been shown the truth and aided are no longer in darkness. Be careful what you watch and what you read. Don’t believe the stuff in magazines and news papers, do some research you will find that they are full of fabrications and lies! Even down to the images and photography. The Only full truth is the bible. The holy Spirit will show you and help you how to interpret it!

Gods word says this. Guard your heart with all diligence because out of it flows the issues of LIFE”

To guard something you are: Alert, watchful, cautious. It is something that gives protection. You are safe guarding. To protect from harm.
In Sport to guard is a defensive position in boxing or fencing. it’s a stance
Your heart is on the inside of you…. Your heart is your soul and spirit.. Without your heart functioning you will die. God was saying that you must guard your heart with all diligence.
Diligence in the English Dictionary means “to be done with proper care, industriously!” That means more than anything else!
The next part of Proverbs 4:23 says this “because out of it flows the issues of life”.

Question is are you Guarding your heart with all diligence or are you wide open to the darkness in this world… You have a choice chose wisely.

We will go back to the end of 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 next week.

Are you ready for the truth?

God Bless you. Loves Living Word Ministries  has had a break from these teachings as of summer holidays and quality time with my Beautiful son.

Jesus Loves you. He died just for you, To set you free from pain suffering and deception.


