Tuesday 10 April 2012

The Lion Roars....Prophetic message 10 April 2012 From Loves Living Word Ministries

Loves Living Word Ministries wants to release a prophetic word from The Almighty and Sovereign God.

The Lion Roars

 10 April 2012

I have important information for you to release.

The times that are approaching are important to many. Go tell my people they have been destroyed through lack of knowledge
But that I have come that they may have life and have it in all its fullness. 

Tell them that they must stop in their wicked ways or they shall surely pay the penalty of death.
The adversary roars even now and is causing distrust amongst the generals in my kingdom. Hope and unity is to be restored but only at the cost of laying down all weaknesses at the altar. The strength they seek is only in me, for they can do nothing on their own.

Relationships will be restored only when they see that it is through me all things were created. It is through me that their relationships will be redeemed or be destroyed.
Releasing their cares and concerns to me is the only way to achieve this for as they hold on to such things it will pull them down beneath that which they can stand.

Amongst these strenuous times of turmoil, a great awakening is taking place amongst my people. Those who have withstood to tests and trails of the enemy can now be assured that with greater expectations, shall they proceed to the next stage of completion. 

My kingdom rejoices in this but my people are lacking in wisdom they need to approach me in all they do and seek only my face and not the face of another. A great time of sorrow approaches the earth and its inhabitants, To ensure you will not be drawn into this you must seek my face in the coming months ahead. Only then will you be able to withstand what approaches the earth.

For a time of great sorrow is upon us and in order for you to seek me you must remain firm in your faith. You must stand against the tide of sorrow and suffering. You must stand firm in the foundations that I have laid for you. For my people who hear my voice know that I am ever present in any trail or tribulation. But even those who are close to me will doubt that I am in the midst of them. Release your strains to me and watch as I do a new thing. Relax your mind to my words and focus only on that which is ahead. 

For such a time approaches when men's hearts will fail them and their children will reap the corruption that has been sown. 

The coming months are a time for you to prepare your hearts for the coming of the Lord, anyone who denies Him He shall surely deny. The way of the Lord is is not easy but I will sustain you, I will uphold you, I will restore you. This is the word of the Lord Our God.

As a spokes person of Almighty God, I would ask that you check out what has been said. Check the scriptures to see if this lines up. I do not need to show you.. you must do your own homework. The Lord says study to show yourselves approved. 

The Lord showed me a vision on Maundy Thursday 2012 as we were listening to scripture regards the last supper.
Yes He, Jesus, is the Lamb of God ( meek, humble servant, sacrifice).. but He is also the LION of The tribe of Judah. I saw a vision of a Lions huge Maine of hair and the lion was roaring...... One Roar!!!!!!!...Having done a small study on the lion and what it represents. Firstly It represents a prophet speaking forth His word:

 The Lion has many biblical symbolic meanings, One is JUDGEMENT...  Make no mistake God is a God of love and loves all people. He has tried as He did through the time of Noah in the bible (Genesis) to warn you of the coming Judgement. I am stressing this so much due to the dream I have shared here last week about the fish (silver) fish dead so many billions... It doesn't have to be this way. He is calling you even now! And as He has given me this word for all people, He has shared of what is approaching and how we can stay fixed in HIM and not get taken down with it. All The Lord shares is for our benefit it is never ever for HIM or His prophet. In fact I can speak for me and say that I have had a tough year in preperation of what lies ahead.
Jesus is the LION of The TRIBE OF JUDAH and is roaring. 

“The lion hath roared, who will not fear? the Lord God hath spoken, who can but prophesy?” (Amos 3:8)
The roar of a lion has been compared to the voice of God.

“They shall walk after the Lord: he shall roar like a lion: when he shall roar, then the children shall tremble from the west.” (Hos. 11:10) (See also Rev. 10:3)

Please take a look at this link it gives you much information regards the LION in general and His ROAR.


Time is short, Please be encouraged by Gods spoken word to you. Never fear Jesus said " For I am with you even until the end of the earth"Mathew 28:20

Jesus said He would "never leave us nor forsake us"  Hebrews 13:1

And He said "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me you might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world "John 16:33

And Finally a Word of the Lord 10 April 2012 17.50 pm

"I have told you these things that you might be able to withstand the wiles ( trickery) of the adversary who seeks whom he may devour. My people must regain their position and prepare for war. For mighty is the hand of the Lord and those who walk in Him will be His beacon to the world. A world dead in trespasses and sin. A world without hope or a future. A world deep in death and destruction. 

The Lord delights in His people and makes his fragrance known." Says the Lord our God.

2 Corinthians 2:14 "Now thanks be unto God, who always causes us to triumph in Christ, and makes manifest the fragrance of his knowledge by us in every place."

I hope you have been blessed.  Loves Living Word Ministries Loves you.

Question is are you ready for the truth?

The Holy Fire is Here.

Love Lisa xxx


All scripture REFERENCES are now up at the you tube channel with regards to the prophetic message.

1 Corinthians 1:18
"For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God".

Acts 26:18

"To open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.'


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