Saturday 9 April 2011

09/04/2011 Weekend Message.... Recieve the gift of Love!

Have a blessed weekend!

I would like to share a little about Gods Character, His personality, His whole being.
He is LOVE.

When people hear the word love, they automatically think its that feeling you get when you meet someone you want to share your life with or how you feel for your partner. You think about how you feel towards a family member and difine love as this. LOVE is so much deeper than feelings. LOVE is who God is.

There are Four types of Love: In the bible three types of love are mentioned. The words for the types of love come from the Greek Language.

Agape - This is God's Love it is unconditional, continual, no matter what!      

            John 3:16  Psalm 107:1

Eros -    Love that a man and wife would share (human love) sexual love and affection.
               Genesis 2:24

Philio-  Love for your children- Brotherly love  and love for your country.
           1 Peter 1:22 and 2 Peter 1:7,

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails."

Love is patient - God never gives up on you. He is willing to wait years for you to finally acknowledge Him. He is always in the background waiting for you even when you are deliberately doing wrong. His patience is something the world knows little about. When you except Jesus into your life and seek God and your meaning here on this earth. One of the free gifts God gives you is his Patience. What a gift to have! His supernatural patience.
I can tell you from experience that this is such a blessing when you are waiting for breakthrough in certain areas in your life. You recieve such peace and the ability to hold out in any circumstance with assurance that all is exactly where it is supposed to be and that God is in Control!

Jesus said:

Romans 8:25

"But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience".

Psalm 40:1
"I waited patiently for the Lord; He inclined His ear to me and heard my cry."

John 14:27   "Peace I leave with you, Peace I give unto you.

Love is Kind - Kindness is part of Gods wonderful Character, It costs nothing to be kind to others and this world. Kindness is a beautiful gift to give to others. That act of kindness might just be the one and only thing that a person needs to stop them going over the edge!. God requires you to be kind to others. People need this as they face what the world brings to them. Try and see the bigger picture. When you walk in Kindness, the joy it brings is just beautiful. Joy is a powerful tool that God has given us in order to live well here on this earth. Joy brings strength. His strength in any situation. Try it and see the rewards it brings.

Galatians 5:22-23
" But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law."

Colossians 3:11-13
" Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience."

Joel 2:13
 "Turn to the Lord your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness"

Love does not envy - Envy is bitterness, The word itself says alot; BITTERNESS. If you are bitter in the inside, you will be bitter on the outside and to others. This is satans character not Gods.
Be happy for others for they have there own cross to bear. Don't envy how they are, what they look like, what they can do, what they have. You are unique. God created you so special to him and to the world. Don't let satan take that away from you and give you bitterness instead! Envy will breed to other things and you will be taken over by evil emotions and attitudes. Once you realise that Love is the most powerful force given by God as He is LOVE, then walking in it and using love brings such results. Its obliterates darkness!
However you do have a free will, that is the beauty of God and who He is LOVE.
He would never force you to do anything, so you have a choice. A wise person would choice wisely and walk in Love. Envy will destroy you eventually. James 3:16

Now read James 3:17 " But the wisdom that is peaceable is from above, gentle and EASY to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits ( what is produced and attained) without Partiality ( all of us mean as much to him as one another, He does not love one more than the other) and without hypocrisy ( walking the walk not just talking the talk).

James 3:16
That is not what God intends for you. You must find out what God says about you. How He sees you. Who He says you are! Instead of feeling jealous, unworthy, inadequate to the next person and the world. If you see someone being blessed or succeeding be happy for them. If someone is good looking and you have felt down about how you look, don't blame them and cause strife, don't hate them. They don't deserve that! See yourself as God sees you. Get to know him, you will find that the lie satan has created and put on you, makes you feel inadequate and down on self. You will find that it will have disappeared if you have learnt all that God shares in His word. Don't envy or think ill of others, you are feeding evil into the world, your body and self.  Its POISON and will destroy you and your life but also other peoples lives including childrens and that is NOT ON! 
Jesus said:
Mathew 18:1

"See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven."

 If you are envious of a person because of what they have achieved or what they have, read Gods word. You would find out that you can achieve success and have what you desire to!!!! God wants this for you. Satan doesn't.

" If you can, ALL things are Possible to those that believe "

 it says in Mark 9:23!

Focus on your goal instead of envying and sowing evil. See yourself as God sees you. Read what God has given you in the bible in order to achieve it. Its that easy!!!!

No one is Perfect. Until You become perfect In Christ as scripture says in Mathew 5:48

 "Mark 9:23 "If you can, ALL things are possible to those that believe"   

 (You have a choice to believe or to think badly). Choose well!

Love does not Boast - Boast definition in the English dictionary: To glorify oneself in speech - talk in a self admiring way. To speak of with excessive pride
Anyone who boasts about what they have, who they are, what they do or have done etc is full of pride!

You will see in the bible in Ezekiel 28:12-19 that satan was full of pride and that is how the beautiful Cherubim Angel dressed in beauty and jewels fell. That is how satan/devil known as Lucifer meaning ( morning star ) was banished from Heaven and Gods presence.

Since God is love, He could not have pride and envy around Him: it defiled the sanctuary of Gods presence and holiness.  Habbakuk 1:13
Satan had a choice, he chose to ignore all that God had already given him and the blessing he was to be. Instead He wants to be worshipped, He wants to be God. ( something he will never be)
He didn't want to do as he was supposed to, He was very beautiful scripture says and He corrupted the wisdom given. He didn't want to serve God, satan had the job of serving as a personal guardian to Gods presence and Holiness. See Ezekiel 28:14-17.
Wow to be in Gods presence and pure love. How could anyone even a Cherubim choose pride and evil over such beauty and pure love?
God is a good God - He gives all mankind and His Angels the free will to choose. He doesn't force anyone to do anything. So if you ever get pressure from anything instead of peace you know its not from GOD!

Satan ( the devil) is winning in your life if you are boastful, full of pride and envy towards people or anything in your life or others.
He wants you to be in pride and envy just like him; so that He (the devil) can gain more entry into your life to "Steal,  to Kill and to Destroy" as the scripture says in John 10:10.

(He stole so much from me, tried to kill me with a serious illness and tried to destroy me too! Praise God, that Father had my back! He straightened everything out for me.
 Only due to me making changes, being willing,  being corrected, studying His word, building a strong foundation and personal relationship with him through the tools given in scripture.
They are: The name of Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, Prayer, Worship, Study, Trusting Him and His word the bible. It has been best thing I have ever done.  Im happier and loving life more than words could express.  Its my true life, the one God had planned for me before I was born. He has your life planned out, mapped out before you were born too that will never change;

In Romans 8:9 it says:

"Your gifts and  calling is without repentance " ( meaning before you were born you were destined to fellowship with God in some way. You were destined should you choose to  walk in your calling. Even if you don't chose to, your gifts and calling are irrevocable.. You cant give them back, they don't get taken away). However God still gives you the choice!  Some have more gift's and calls more than others, everyone is different. Everyone unique, everyone prescious and very special in Gods and Jesus Christ's eye. Its up to you once you are told the truth to actually do something about it. Enjoy your life here on the earth, receive His love, support, blessings, wisdom, success, power, health and truth.

You don't want the devil operating in your life. Instead you should be filled with the Holy Spirit and have Gods spirit operating for you, just as You where created too!

1John 4:15
"Whoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwells in him, and he in God".

Having envy, pride, and boasting operating in your life would cause a block in the workings of God in your life. You are feeding satan and his character would be operating on you. Harsh words; they aren't mine but Gods. God is sharing this for a very good reason its so easy to follow God and not get into envy, pride, boastfullness ( stepping out of LOVE) by giving everything to him.

Those feelings are not yours to own, you do not have to carry that around with you. So you can be free from envy and pride and receive Gods free gift of LOVE and power instead. Choose wisely!

Don't boast, be a men pleaser or have the need for praise. Your Father in heaven sees what you are doing. He will reward you not man. Jesus said this! Search Scripture to find this!!! Instead Be HUMBLE.

HUMILITY is the opposite of Boasting - Humility is Gods character:
Humble in the English Bible means: "Marked by meekness or modesty in behavior, attitude, or spirit; not arrogant or prideful".
LOVE is so much more powerful than boasting. Walk in LOVE, be humble, you are winning if you do.

Lets read What paul say what HE WILL BOAST IN! 
HIS WEAKNESSES Thats Humility. Not what hes acomplished But whats hes gone through His hardships His Infirmities His attacks those he boast in WHY?
Because Christ Power is made perefct when we are weak, it is clear that GOD does the work then not us.. How can we ever over come things like that supernateral forces up against us.. Principalties Powers.. Only God can get us through stuff like that. 
BOAST IN THESE BELOVED we overcome by the BLOOD of the LAMB and the WORD of our TESTIMONY do not have anyone ever let you say you are dwelling on past or moaning about it. oh no... you use your tesimonies as a Mighty talk of VICTORY . BOAST IN THESE! The enemy hates Victory and hates testimonies , hates being reminded of defeat aswell! Boasting in this way GIVES GLORY TO LORD ALL OVER AGAIN! 

PLEASE READ 2 CORINTHIANS 11 first..before proceeding Thank you 

 2 Corinthians 12 This boasting will do no good, but I must go on. I will reluctantly tell about visions and revelations from the Lord. I] was caught up to the third heaven fourteen years ago. Whether I was in my body or out of my body, I don’t know—only God knows. Yes, only God knows whether I was in my body or outside my body. But I do know that I was caught up to paradise and heard things so astounding that they cannot be expressed in words, things no human is allowed to tell.
That experience is worth boasting about, but I’m not going to do it. I will boast only about my weaknesses. If I wanted to boast, I would be no fool in doing so, because I would be telling the truth. But I won’t do it, because I don’t want anyone to give me credit beyond what they can see in my life or hear in my message, even though I have received such wonderful revelations from God. So to keep me from becoming proud, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger from Satan to torment me and keep me from becoming proud.
Three different times I begged the Lord to take it away. Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. 10 That’s why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

Boast in your weaknesses!

God's love was and still is so powerful for us that He sent His only son back to the earth as it says in:

John 3:16 " For God so Loved the world He gave His only begotten son, That who so ever should believe on Him should not perish but have eternal life"
So not only was Jesus born into the world with a mission from birth on His hands. He was to lead a separate holy life unlike other people and to carry out what His mission was. This was to save mankind from the curse ( the fall ) Read Genesis 3 . Jesus Healed ALL who were oppressed of the devil.  (Search The gospels you will see this!) And most importantly, When Jesus Christ died on the cross a sinless man even though He could have sinned, He went to the cross  (by choice). Jesus Christ could have called myriads of Angels to free him at any point but didn't. With this Jesus fulfilled hundreds of prophecies of the Old Testament... theses were given of a period of 2000 year previous.  In doing so, Jesus Christ regained authority from satan over mankind and freed us from the curse and satans clutches should you chose to follow him and turn you life around from darkness to light.

Anyone who excepts Jesus Christ for doing this, who confesses with their mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord asks for forgiveness and asks Jesus into their heart is saved.
see Romans 10:9!
Saved from what? Like I said Saved from cursed world,  you are given ALL authority over dark forces, much power and most importantly; You are sealed with the free gift of the Holy Spirit.

 1 John 4:15
" Whoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwells in him, and he in God."

 This is a mark of Protection and when you pass on/die, you being a spirit being as man was created in Genesis. Instead of going to Hell you are saved to receive eternal salvation with God in heaven. Again just as you were created to, satan deceived and stole this right from you back in Genesis 1 , 2, and chapters 3


This is the scripture we are studying,

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails."

Gods love is out there... it always has been.

The Holy Ghost and the right people make sure you get to know about it! Its their Job! The world has been under huge deception from satan.The world is crying out because of the weight of evil and sin. ( earthquakes floods etc ) This was prophesied over and over many times in the bible it is happening now! Luke 21:11

Every goes right back to the BEGINNING IN GENESIS and the Fall of Lucifer and then Fall of mankind. 
I have Great news for you JESUS over came the devil the world and the Flesh. for God was with Him. John 16;33 Acts 10:38 1 John 5:14

God is a GOOD - Anything God comes from him. Security, Success in ALL things, Doctors/nurses. Police, Carers, Counsellors, Minsters etc. Success in LIFE, Spiritual Power, Knowledge and Truth, Health, Love, Peace, Happiness.

Satan is BAD -Anything bad comes from Him.Childmurderers, rapists, drug addicts, domestic violence, eating disorders, envy, bitterness, insecurity stem from satans character and man chooses to be this by His free will.

We have a :-

 CARNAL -FLESH - Our own Body can sumbit to either GOD GOODNESS His spirit OR SATAN BADNESS

PSYCHE GREEK WORD PSUCHE- SOUL- Our MIND WILL EMOTIONS can be influenced by either Gods spirit through HIS WORD His Precense and surrendering to Him. CHRIST CRUCIFIED in us.
Or we can be influenced by satan and his demons in mind will and emotion.s

EMOTIONS can be deceptive. 
WE MUST Let God be PILOT HIS SPIRIT RULE LEAD GUIDE REIGN and dethrone satan and his seed at all cost in our old dallen nature FLESH
That MUST DIE DAILY. Paul said i die daily!
 KEEP OUT the outside influences and stay close to the FATHER in order to stay vigilant as the advsary the lion is out there seeking who he may devour notice it is whom? he looks for an opening? 
Mind will emotions or flesh GIVES THAT OPENING (WINDOW DOOR) keep your eyes ears speech clean. away from darkness They are gateways
Also outside others do alignments becareful who you alignh with beloved 

LOVE is the GREATEST FORCE given by God LOVE IS A SPIRIT we host Him as Born again believers it is not merely an emotion, and expression, a word that can be thrown about and later taken back! man behaves like that...... GODS LOVE, WHO HE IS is UNCONDITIONAL and as SPIRIT FILLED BELIEVER we are to WALK in that love Not be partial. We are to walk in the SPIRIT 
Not operate in FLESH envy Pride, both of those are Flesh. and both are Spirits. you have a two fold application there to work with... with Father
Operating in partial love Giving to one person and not another Giving love and witholding from another  to make a point i dont like you or i dont think you desreve it is not opetaing outy of God slove but your own and that is FLESH!
Exclusion is actually witchcraft/ Excluded people letting them know they are not included is witchcraft! 
Its of the Flesh it is Carnal not spirit filled Christian #

We must get past our own Views of what we think people deserve and act as God says we are to act no partiality just because you dont like that person because they threaten you.
Kindness is something that is in you from the Lord

People cannot be Kind to some and not others...
KINDNESS was a Charcteristic that Jesus had and displayed for everyone. 
You cannot pick and choose who to be kind with and leave others out! This is not walking in the spirit. 

You may say well jesus wasnt Kind when he spoke to the Pharisees they actually where not of Gods seed. ( he didnt pacify demons)
Jesus said that He said you are of your father the devil. There are two seeds in this world. One is Gods the other is satans and the battles is between the two when they come into contact there wil be manifestion of the spirits operating behind it by how people are treated. what is said about them? The list goes on. 
God is watching everything He sees it all. 
We all must keep a very short account with Father. after all what you do to another person or say about them you do to HIM>
 I pray that you are awakened in the name of Jesus Christ and that your eyes are opened and spiritual scales taken off. That we all have the motivation to live in truth not deception That LOVE OVER TAKES and Rules the carnal man and soul and God truly can say Your are truly SPIRIT FILLED.
Many will say Father didnt we prophesy in your name cast out devils... he said depart from me you who practise LAWLESSNESS I do not know you! MATHEW 7:21-23

Lawlessness is a rejection of God. Satan, who models the ultimate rejection of God, will one day empower the Antichrist, called “the lawless one,” whose rise to power “will be in accordance with how Satan works” (2 Thessalonians 2:9).

 Let us stay in Love without it your a Clanging cymbal. ( doing the works yourself) Your own empire God will not share his Glory with anyone... Amen 
Jesus paid the ultimate price for us.. Its just a case of SURRENDER your way!

Take heed to this beloved......

In Jesus Christ Mighty and Holy Name, Amen. 

We will continue with this scripture 1 Corinthians 13 next weekend!

Are you ready for the truth?

God Bless you and He Loves you

Lisa Uk xxx


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Spot on Lisa! Good to see you getting the truth out. Looking forward to reading more from you! Twinkle x x x
